How To Make Rose Oil Using Rose Petals
by Caroline Daly
How To Make Rose Oil Using Rose Petals
It's really easy to make rose oil using rose petals. All you need is oil (I'll explain later), rose petals...
Beeswax for your Skin
by Caroline Daly
The benefits of beeswax for your skin
What are the benefits of beeswax for the skin? Well there are numerous benefits:-
Beeswax has plenty...
How lemon improves your complexion
by Caroline Daly
How lemon improves your complexion
Just how does lemon improve your complexion? Well:-
As lemons are full of vitamin c and citric acid they can...
Cold Sores on your Lips- Ouch
by Caroline Daly
Cold Sores on you Lips - Ouch
Not the nicest thing to get on your lips or around that area at anytime!! Yet it happens to some of us a lot of the ...
Sauna and your Skin and Body
by Caroline Daly
Sauna and your Skin and Body
The benefits for your skin of taking a regular sauna are numerous, and not only for your skin but for your general bod...
The Health Benefits of Leafy Greens
by Caroline Daly
What are Leafy Greens?
What are the health benefits of leafy greens? First of all, what are leafy greens? Well to answer the second question her...
Why Wear Natural Fabrics?
by Caroline Daly
Why Wear Natural Fabrics?
Natural fabrics win over synthetic fabrics hands down all the time. But why? We all know at least two reasons why immed...
Peppermint Soap - Refreshing and Clean
by Caroline Daly
Cool and refreshing peppermint in a natural soap
The benefits of Beeswax on the Skin
by Caroline Daly
The benefits of Beeswax on the Skin
The benefits of beeswax on the skin are numerous:-
First of all it is a humectant which means it attracts mois...
Treatments for Anti-Ageing
by Caroline Daly
Facial Massage - Anti-ageing treatment
They say that after the age of 25 you might want to think about an anti-ageing treatment. Mind you I never...
The Healing Power of Lavender
by Caroline Daly
The Healing Power of Lavender
I just love lavender. I love its smell, how it looks in the garden, what it does to my mood, the happy place it bri...
Hand Cream with Ylang Ylang
by Caroline Daly
Hand Cream with Ylang Ylang
There's nothing quite like the smell from ylang ylang essential oil; its almost pungent and cloying smell, its exotic o...
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