Our lip balms are simply made with all natural ingredients which will leave your lips protected and feeling moisturised. The ingredients in our beeswax lip balm include: coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax. What is beeswax? Well, as in its name, its a wax produced by the bees to make their honeycomb cells.
The beeswax serves to protect the delicate skin on the lips from the cold and heat. It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and discourages infections such as herpes (cold sores) It also keeps in the moisture or stops it from evaporating. The coconut oil along with the shea butter both keep the lips moisturised and feeling good. All three ingredients together make for a very effective lip balm. A little goes a long way so it's good value too. That little tin fits in your pocket or handbag and lasts for a long time. Once finished it can be popped into the recycling bin so no waste there. Besides the fragrance that comes from the beeswax we have 6 fragrances in our lip balm to choose from and each one fragranced only with essential oils:
Unscented (for those extra sensitive types)
Lemony (Great for the winter)
Peppermint (Young people love this one)
Lavender (you either love or don't love lavender!)
Sweet Orange Cedarwood and Fennel (a slight hint of fennel with the sweetness of sweet orange and base not of cedarwood)
Grapefruit and Ylang Ylang (grapefruit predominates here)