Make-Up Removal. Oil Versus Water
What better way to remove make-up is there than using an oil-based make-up removal product?
Why Oil is better than Water for Removing Make-Up
Oil is far better at getting to the depths of the dirt and grime and make-up on your skin than water. It gets into every pore and carries away the excess sebum, the impurities, the heavy make-up and every bit of dirt on you face.
Even if you have acne, an oil facial cleanser with jojoba oil as one of its ingredients along with other beneficial oils, will not only take away excess sebum but will also send a message to your skin to stop producing sebum. It can actually benefit those with acne who have an over-zealous sebum production going on.
When Water is Beneficial for Removing Make-up
I do believe a combination of oil-based make up remover and an after treatment of water and a little suitable soap is crucial for an oil free, clean skin. The water based treatment can remove all traces of oil left on the skin (if this is desired). I personally have no problem with a film of oil on my face. It eventually gets soaked in especially if you rub it in gently and using finger tips massage the facial skin upwards and with circular gentle movements.
Jojoba oil, Sunflower oil and Castor oil - all organic
Jojoba oil, Sunflower oil and Castor oil - all organic all go into our oil-based facial oil cleansers

How to Apply Facial Oil Cleanser
Rub a good helping of the oil into the skin and then with a cotton swab rub off gently the make up. It might be necessary to come again and rub on more oil, removing the left make-up. After that get a nice handmade natural soap and with a clean soft cloth with warm water gently remove the film of oil left. (I personally wouldn't bother with this process)
Nice Clean Face Ready for More Make-up!!!