Zero Waste Natural Deodorant DIY Recipe
Nature never intended to make things difficult for people. It's people themselves, who complicate matters. The same applies to natural deodorant. We'll have none of this antiperspirant in an aerosol tin which contributes to environmental pollution. And what to do with the tin once it's finished? It can't go into the recycling and is considered hazardous and must be disposed of specially. I haven't even talked about the impact it has on our health with its chemicals and, possibly, aluminum. Not the kind of substance to be spraying near the lymphatic system, eh?

A homemade cream deodorant could eliminate all those possible problems, aforementioned; zero waste, no chemicals involved, no aluminum either, and gentle on the environment and your body. It's got to be cheaper too so good for the purse or wallet
Recipe For Natural Cream Deodorant
100 g cocoa butter
50 g shea butter
30g arrowroot
30g bentonite clay
30g beeswax
2g of your favourite essential oil
Equipment Needed To Make Natural Cream Deodorant
A clean medium-size saucepan
A spatula
A whisk
A weighing machine (must be able to measure in grams)
A glass jar(s) or a tin(s)
Instructions On How To Make Your Favourite Natural Cream Deodorant
Heat the cocoa butter, shea butter, and beeswax in the saucepan gently or on a bain-marie
When fully melted, leave to cool for half an hour
Add in the bentonite clay and arrowroot using the whisk to incorporate the dry with the wet ingredients
Add your favourite essential oil.
Pour into the jars or tins. Here I recommend smaller jars or tins, 100g or under so that you can travel with this cream deodorant.
Leave to cool for a few hours before using.
How To Use Your Natural Cream Deodorant
Once the cream deodorant is made and has cooled down fully you can start enjoying your very own homemade natural cream deodorant. You will never again have to rely on these sprays, doing your body and your environment a big favour. It is quite simple really to use:-
Scrape off about a pea size of the deodorant (I supply a little wooden spatula in my natural cream deodorant) and rub between your fingers of one hand and the palm of the other. Then rub this under the arm. Keep the arms up for about 30 seconds to allow the underarms to dry fully and then off you go confident in the knowledge that you'll not be smelling bad for a few hours!!!