Treatment for Head Lice
When my children were younger and at school and got lice (which happens to all children at least once in their lives) I didn't go all squeamish and faint on the spot. Instead I trusted that I already had in my meagre medicine chest the right ingredients. (I used to do this for all my children's ailments unless it was obvious that it was more serious. Of course, If needed be, they went to the family doctor)
Treating head lice was a dawdle
Head lice treatment was a dawdle, I remember. The night before a hair wash and the day we discovered the lice, I would mix up olive oil with tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender. Approximately 3 drops of each essential oil in about 30 grams of the olive oil. This would be left overnight on their hair with a hat on (to protect the pillow case) The next morning, after washing the hair thoroughly, I would put some conditioner on the hair and fine comb it. After three times, there no longer was a lice issue.
I think that they both only got lice once in their lives. This might have been due to a stroke of luck or it could have been the fact that I always used tea tree shampoo on their hair. Whatever!!. Most importantly I want to say; don't worry if your child comes home with lice. It's really not the end of the world and is totally fixable. Just follow the instructions above