Handmade Mini Soaps in a Gift Box

Handmade Mini Soaps in a Gift Box

handmade mini soaps in a gift box

We have come up with a new gift set which consists of 4 half soaps in a gift box.  We were trying to come up with names for both boxes so that there would be no confusion between them.  At first, I had thought of "spicy n nice" for one of the them, which has soaps that have spices and herbs in them, like our spicy cinnamon & clove one or the rosemary & eucalyptus, or citronella & pine and our lemongrass with poppy seeds - all nice and some spicy!.  And for the other I had thought of simply "exquisite" just because I couldn't come up with another name and they are really exquisite with palma rosa and patchouli, ylang ylang with honey and oatmeal, lavender and frankincense and lemongrass - all very exotic scents.

But, thanks to Miguel, our son, we now have finally hit the nail on the head with the 2nd one which is now going to be called "cosy n rosy".  This name is quite apt because we have nice warm scents in there, like ylang ylang which evokes a relaxed feeling as does lavender or patchouli.  The palma rosa with it's rose like scent along with the exotic scent of patchouli evoke a flowery rosy scent.  

So, it official and final and, while not written in stone,  the two we have are "cosy n rosy" and "spicy n nicey".  Palm free and free from nasty parabens or artificial ingredients

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