Dimples or Pimples?
What would you prefer on your face, dimples or pimples? Dimples may be a sign of beauty and pimples maybe a sign of dirt in the pores so I'll chose dimples any time!!

What Causes Pimples?
Well, basically it's when the pores get clogged up with dirt, grime and oil and an infections ensues. Some people have an over-zealous sebum production going on. Sebum is the natural oil produced by the body to keep the skin from drying out but it can sometimes not know when to stop.
How to Avoid Pimples
Well first step is to keep the skin clean. Regular washing of the face with a gentle soap will help. But also one or twice a week or even daily a cleansing of the skin with a facial oil cleanser will help. Try get one with jojoba oil. Jojoba oil mimics the skin's natural sebum and therefore sends a signal to stop over-producing.
But if you have developed a pimple or two then, depending on how serious it is, you might have to seek advice from your doctor or you can use essential oils mixed in with a carrier oil, such as Jojoba oil. Very beneficial essential oils would be 1. lavender which is soothing and healing and helps the regeneration of healthy new cells; 2. bergamot which is astringent and helps to keep the pores tight and then 3. geranium oil which is a great one for balancing the sebum production. My advice would be to use all three in a 2% to 98% ratio of essential oil to carrier oil and I would have a lot of the carrier oil being jojoba.
Our facial oil cleansers have organic sunflower oil, organic castor oil as well as organic golden jojoba oil. We have 8 varieties for you to chose from, the difference being among them the essential oils used.
What Skincare Can Help Give Dimples
I wouldn't try pull the wool over your eyes so I will have to say that there is no skincare that will help give dimples. You are either born with them or not. But you can do something about pimples so get crackin'!