Recipe for Chamomile Shampoo - Great for Blond Hair

chamomile shampoo recipe

This recipe for chamomile shampoo is relatively easy to make and is great for blond hair.  It lightens up blond hair and enhances blond highlights.  It's also beneficial for all hair types;- people with dandruff, greasy hair types,  and damaged hair types with it's anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.  It is beneficial for hair loss as it cleans out the pores and de-clogs the hair follicles. It soothes itchy scalp and strengthens hair strands

Ingredients For Chamomile Shampoo

You can use teabags of chamomile or, if you have picked some from your garden over the summer and left them to dry, you can use these.  Another alternative is to go out to you garden and pick them fresh.  Whichever method you chose, you will have to make a tea with this.  3 teabags or two handfuls of either fresh or dried chamomile will suffice.

This recipe calls for either soap flakes or you can grate your own natural handmade soap bar

1 cup of  strained chamomile tea

1 tsp. of glycerin (vegetable-based)

1 tsp. white vinegar

30g soap flakes (grated soap)

Mix the soap flakes with the hot chamomile tea and then add the other ingredients to it.  Transfer the mixture to a bottle.  Shake well before using each time.  This product will probably not last any longer than two to three weeks.

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